Deltagas Gas - Gas Geyser Supplier in South Africa, Constant Gas Geysers, Zero Start Gas Geysers
Type B Constant Gas Geyser
We introduced the Constant Temperature Gas Geyser unit a few months ago, this unit can be installed inside (needs to be flued to the outside) or can also be installed outside under protective cover. This unit is fitted with a flue sensor mounted on the flue diverter. The function of this sensor is to shut the geyser down within 4 minutes by law if the flue is blocked or the flue is not fitted. A Type B geyser and the only one in SA
All the other units are Type D, outside installation only.
The Constant Temperature Gas Geyser has a 2 way proportional valve that can regulate the gas/water ratio, adjusting the gas volume. It therefore can operate with a low water flow minimum of 5l/minute
Constant Temperature Gas Geyser has a temperature adjusting panel on the front cover for easy setting of required water temperature
Will also maintain the set temperature
Ignition is through 2 x type D torch batteries. (Other SA units have only 1 x type D battery – shorter life span)
- Once you have inserted the batteries and check all connection to be ok push the on/off button
- Set temperature
- After you have changed the batteries, repeat procedure
Open hot water tap – the water pressure pushes the light weight magnetic floater up (same as the zero start geyser) activates the geyser by signaling to the electronic box that there is spark and that the gas solenoid valve must open the gas to the main burners.
The water will then heat up through the heat exchanger to your desired temperature.(as set on display)
The proportional valve will then regulate the gas/water ratio to keep the water at a constant temperature.
The proportional valve ensure optimum performance at reduced LPG usage.